Strengthening the relationship with Mornago

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On the 26th and 27th February of this year, the Mayor and the Executive Secretary were invited by Naxxar’s twinned council, Mornago (Province of Varese). The aim was for them to be part of the activities that the Council of Mornago organised for the occasion of the Council’s 150th anniversary.

The Mayor and the Executive Secretary attended meetings with the Mayor and members of the Mornago Council where they discussed projects that could be carried out for the benefit of both communities. They were also invited to address the public during an activity for the awarding of honors during which a video on the history of Mornago was also launched.

The visit was given prominence on the Province of Varese’s newspapers.

Tisħiħ tar-relazzjoni ma’ Mornago

Fis-26 u s-27 ta’ Frar ta’ din is-sena s-Sindku u s-Segretarju Eżekuttiv kienu l-mistiedna tal-Kunsill ġemellat man-Naxxar, Mornago (Provinċja ta’ Varese). Dan bil-għan li jkunu parti mill-attivitajiet li l-Kunsill ta’ Mornago qiegħed jorganizza f’għeluq il-150 sena tal-Kunsill.

Is-Sindku u s-Segretarju Eżekuttiv kellhom ukoll laqgħat mas-Sindku u membri tal-Kunsill ta’ Mornago fejn iddiskutew proġetti li jistgħu jitwettqu għall-benefiċċju taż-żewġ komunitajiet. Huma kienu wkoll mistednin jindirizzaw lill-pubbliku waqt attività ta’ għoti ta’ unuri fejn kien ukoll varat filmat dwar l-istorja ta’ Mornago.

Iż-żjara ngħatat prominenza fuq ġurnali tal-Provinċja ta’ Varese.
