Strengthening the Naxxar identity

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For the occasion of Jum in-Naxxar 2018, the Council launched a Facebook profile picture frame so that the people of Naxxar have a way to show that they are proud to be from Naxxar.

This initiative was extremely well received and there were many  Naxxar residents who used this frame as part of their profile picture on Facebook. Three different types of frames were prepared, one for men, one for women (both in Maltese) and one in English.

Click here to apply the frame to your profile picture.

Kburin li Naxxarin!

Ħidma favur it-tisħiħ tal-identità Naxxarija

Għal Jum in-Naxxar il-Kunsill nieda profile picture frame għal Facebook biex in-Naxxarin kollha juru li huma kburin li huma Naxxarin. Din l-inizjattiva ntlaqgħet tajjeb immens u kienu ħafna n-Naxxarin li użaw dan il-frame bħala parti mir-ritratt tal-profil tagħhom fuq Facebook. Kienu ppreparati tliet tipi differenti, wieħed għall-irġiel, għan-nisa u wieħed bl-Ingliż.

Klikkja hawn biex tbiddel il-profile picture tiegħek.


Naxxar identity