Street art project

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As part of the enhancement of the zone known as the schools area, the Council commissioned a number of local and foreign artists to decorate the walls in the schools area in Tal-Ghaqba with their art. This art will be enjoyed by a large number of students who frequent this area daily. It will also serve to reduce vandalism on the same walls and gives a more attractive look.

This project has generated great interest ,so much so that at the end of April the spot was visited by Her Excellency the Ambassador of Spain. She was accompanied by Mr James Micallef Grimaud, the artist who co-ordinated with the Council, and the Mayor, Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami

Arti fit-Triq

Bħala parti mit-tisbiħ taż-żona magħrufa tal-iskejjel, il-Kunsill ikkummisjona numru ta’ artisti Maltin u barranin biex jagħmlu arti fuq il-ħitan fit-telgħa tal-iskejjel f’Tal-Għaqba. Din l-arti se tkun qed titgawda minn numru kbir ta’ studenti li kuljum jiffrekkwentaw din iż-żona. Barra minn hekk se sservi biex jitnaqqas il-vandalizmu fuq l-istess ħitan u tagħti dehra isbaħ.

Dan il-proġett ħoloq interess kbir tant li fl-aħħar ta’ April saret żjara fuq il-post mill-Eċċellenza Tagħha l-Ambaxxatriċi ta’ Spanja. Hija kienet akkumpanjata mis-Sur James Micallef Grimaud, l-artist li kkordina mal-Kunsill, u s-Sindku, Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami.


Artist James Micallef Grimaud explaining the concept behind the art
Artist James Micallef Grimaud explaining the concept behind the art

Street art (5)Street art (4)Street art (3)_1Street art (2)Street art (1)

Visit by Parliamentary Secretaries Aaron Farrugia, Silvio Parnis and Parliamentary Member Robert Cutajar
Visit by Parliamentary Secretaries Aaron Farrugia, Silvio Parnis and Parliamentary Member Robert Cutajar