Sports day – Primary School

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On the 30th April, the Mayor, Anne Marie Muscat Fenech was invited by the primary school for a their sports day held at the school as well as in the street in front of the school.

The Mayor admired the school’s commitment to physical activity while she had  words of praise for the Head of School Mr. Renzo Galea who is always coming up with  ideas to motivate students in their studies and in their upbringing.

Sports day – Skola Primarja

Fit-30 ta’ April, is-Sindku, Anne Marie Muscat Fenech kienet mistiedna mill-iskola primarja għall-isports day fl-istess skola kif ukoll fit-triq ta’ quddiem l-iskola.

Hawnhekk is-Sindku ammirat l-impenn tal-iskola lejn l-attività fiżika filwaqt li għaddiet kliem ta’ tifħir lill-Kap tal-Iskola s-Sur Renzo Galea li dejjem impenjat biex joħroġ b’ideat li jimmotivaw lill-istudenti fl-istudji u fit-trobbija tagħhom.

Mayor having a go with traditional games!
Mayor having a go with traditional games!

Sports day 2Sports day