Special Marriages officiated by the  Mayor

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Within a period of a few months the Mayor officiated the marriage of  two couples who are in one way or another very close to her and so, at the same time, turn  them into special occasions.

The first marriage was of her own son, David, with Laura on the  18th August while on 7th December the minority leader, Councillor Clifford Galea Vella, was joined in marriage with Denis Maslennikov.

The Mayor could not fail to be emotional while officiating  the marriages of these two couples who are so close to her.

We take this opportunity to wish every happiness to these two couples.

Żwiġijiet speċjali mis-Sindku

F’perjodu ta’ ftit xhur is-Sindku żewġet żewġ koppji li b’mod jew ieħor huma qrib tagħha ħafna u allura, fl-istess ħin, tagħmilhom okkażjonijiet speċjali.

L-ewwel żwieġ kien tat-tifel tagħha stess, David, ma’ Laura fit-18 ta’ Awwissu filwaqt li fis-7 ta’ Diċembru żewġet lill-minority leader, il-Kunsillier Clifford Galea Vella, li ngħaqad fiż-żwieġ ma’ Denis Maslennikov.

Ma setax jonqos li s-Sindku tkun emozzjonata li kellha tamministra dawn iż-żwiġijiet ta’ żewġ koppji tant qrib tagħha.

Nieħdu l-opportunità nawguraw ħajja feliċi liż-żewġ koppji.

clifford wedding (2)clifford wedding2sindku zwieg1