Point to Point Transport Service

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One of the most innovative projects of the Council is undoubtedly the Point to Point Transport Service. This service was launched on the 24th October in the presence of Her Excellency the President of Malta, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca.

This project was possible thanks to the financial help of Naxxar businesses who immediately responded positively to the appeal made to them by the Mayor.

At present the service is offered from Monday to Friday between 7.00am and 1.00pm. During these times, a person may call on 79555665, speak to the driver, give details of his location, after which the driver picks him up and takes him to wherever he needs to go within the Naxxar boundaries.

Apart from being a service for everybody, through it, the Council is helping residents who live alone and have no means of transport to be more independent and to continue to integrate with society. This initiative also helps to alleviate the traffic and parking problems, especially in the center.

The Council hopes that eventually the time of service can be prolonged. Moreover, it is also planned that the van will be equipped with a lift to make it accessible to wheelchair users.

During the inauguration of this service, the Mayor, Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami, stated that it was a long thought of dream of hers and as soon as she took office as Mayor she began contacting business owners for financial support. In fact, purchase of the van and all related costs were funded by sponsors.

Shadow Minister for Local Councils, the Hon. Robert Cutajar as well as the Parliamentary Secretary Silvio Parnis also spoke and had words of praise for the work of the Naxxar Local Council. Hon. Parnis even praised this initiative in Parliament.

Her Excellency the President of Malta also praised the fact that the Council recognised the need to come up with this initiative to help in countering loneliness. “How good it is that a person is able to come out of the home and no longer relies entirely on others,” stated the President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca.

One must conclude by thanking all the sponsors who contributed to make this dream a reality.

Wieħed mill-aktar proġetti innovativi tal-Kunsill huwa bla dubju l-Point to Point Transport Service. Dan is-servizz ġie mniedi fl-24 ta’ Ottubru li għadda fil-preżenza tal-Eċċellenza Tagħha l-President ta’ Malta, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca.

Dan il-proġett kien possibbli grazzi għall-għajnuna finanzjarja tan-negozji tan-Naxxar li mill-ewwel irrispondew b’mod pożittiv għall-appell li għamlitilhom is-Sindku.

Fil-preżent is-servizz huwa offrut mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa bejn is-7.00am u s-1.00pm. F’dawn il-ħinijiet, persuna tista’ ċċempel fuq 79555665, titkellem max-xufier, tagħtih id-dettalji ta’ fejn qegħda, jgħaddi għaliha u jwassalha fejn trid fil-konfini tan-Naxxar.

Apparti li huwa servizz għal kulħadd, permezz ta’ dan is-servizz il-Kunsill qed jgħin residenti li jgħixu waħedhom u m’għandhomx mezz ta’ trasport biex ikunu iktar indipendenti u jibqgħu jintegraw mas-soċjetà. Din l-inizjattiva tgħin ukoll biex tittaffa l-problema ta’ traffiku u parkeġġ, speċjament fiċ-ċentru tan-Naxxar.

Il-Kunsill jittama li aktar ’il quddiem ikun jista’ jtawwal il-ħin tas-servizz. Barra minn hekk, huwa ppjanat ukoll li l-vann ikun attrezzat b’lift biex isir aċċessibbli anki għan-nies li jużaw siġġu tar-roti.

Waqt l-inawgurazzjoni ta’ dan is-servizz, is-Sindku, Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami, semmiet li din kienet ħolma li ilha tberren f’moħħha u li kif ħadet il-kariga ta’sindku bdiet tikkuntattja lis-sidien tan-negozji biex joffru l-għajnuna finanzjarja tagħhom. Infatti x-xiri tal-vann u l-ispejjeż involuti ġew iffinanzjati mill-isponsors.

Tkellmu wkoll ix-Shadow Minister tal-Kunsilli Lokali, l-Onor. Robert Cutajar kif ukoll is-Segretarju Parlamentari Silvio Parnis li kellhom kliem ta’ tifħir għall-ħidma tal-Kunsill Lokali Naxxar. L-Onor. Parnis saħansitra faħħar din l-inizjattiva fil-Parlament.

L-Eċċellenza Tagħha l-President ta’ Malta wkoll faħħret lill-Kunsill li għaraf joħroġ b’din l-inizjattiva li se tgħin fil-ħidma kontra s-solitudni. “Kemm hi sabiħa li persuna tinqala’ minn darha u ma tibqax tiddependi għalkollox fuq ħaddieħor.” qalet il-President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca.

Ta’ min wieħed jikkonkludi billi jirringrazzja lill-isponsors kollha li taw sehemhom biex din il-ħolma ssir realtà.
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