Plans for embellishment of the village core

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As part of the Council’s ongoing strategy to embellish the Naxxar centre, the Council started preparing the first plans to start work on the reconstruction of pavements in the main square and the upper parts of Labour Avenue and 21st September Avenue.

Apart from pavement reconstruction, the work will include new street furniture, planters and new street lights.

As soon as the necessary consultations and coordination are done, especially with the business owners, the Council will be able to proceed with the plans.

Pjanijiet għal tisbiħ għal Triq tal-Labour, Vjal il-21 ta’ Settembru u l-Pjazza

Bħala parti mill-ħidma tal-Kunsill biex isebbaħ iċ-ċentru tan-Naxxar, il-Kunsill beda jaħseb fuq pjan, u għandu l-ewwel pjanijiet lesti, biex jibda x-xogħol fuq it-tibdil tal-bankini fil-pjazza u l-parti ta’ fuq ta’ Triq tal-Labour kif ukoll Vjal il-21 ta’ Settembru.

Apparti t-tibdil tal-bankini, ix-xogħol se jkun qiegħed jinkludi għamara ġdida tat-triq, planters u dwal ġodda.

Appena ssir il-konsultazzjoni u l-kordinazzjoni meħtieġa, speċjalment mas-sidien tan-negozji, il-Kunsill ikun jista’ jibda bix-xogħol.

Labour Ave project 214