Gnien Bertu u Maria Xuereb

New Garden sponsored by the Xuereb family

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The name of Angelo Xuereb surely needs no introduction; a Naxxar resident and successful entrepreneur as well as the first Mayor of Naxxar.

But the actual link to Naxxar of the Xuereb family precedes Angelo. Bertu and Maria Xuereb were a couple who brought up a large family and started negotiating on land and property in Naxxar years ago. Among the property belonging to this couple was the area known as the Simblija.

After the Mayor, Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami, approached Mr Xuereb to sponsor a garden, he immediately agreed to contribute for the soft area in Triq il-Forġa to be transformed into a small garden which would be accessible to residents and to the number of elderly residents of Hilltop Gardens.

The garden was inaugurated on Saturday 12th January 2019 and blessed by Father Julian Cassar in the presence of the Mayor, Councillor Marlon Brincat, the Executive Secretary and the children and relatives of Bertu and Maria Xuereb. The garden was given the name Ġnien Bertu u Maria Xuereb.

This garden is another space which embellishes and is enjoyed by the residents of the Simblija area.

The Council thanks Mr Angelo Xuereb and his family for their continued assistance to the Naxxar community.


Ġnien ġdid sponsorjat mill-familja Xuereb

Żgur li l-isem Anġlu Xuereb m’għandu bżonn l-ebda introduzzjoni; Naxxari u imprenditur ta’ suċċess u l-ewwel Sindku tan-Naxxar.

Iżda r-rabta proprja man-Naxxar tal-familja Xuereb ġiet qabel Anġlu. Bertu u Maria Xuereb kienu koppja li rabbew familja kbira u li bdew jinnegozjaw fuq artijiet u proprjetà fin-Naxxar snin ilu. Fost l-artijiet li kellha din il-koppja kien hemm iż-żona magħrufa bħala s-Simblija.

Wara li s-Sindku, Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami, avviċinat lis-Sur Xuereb biex jisponsorja ġnien, huwa immedjatament qabel li jikkontribwixxi biex ġardina fi Triq il-Forġa tiġi mibdula fi ġnien żgħir li jkun aċċessibli għar-residenti u numru ta’ anzjani li huma residenti fil-Hilltop Gardens.

Il-ġnien kien inawgurat nhar is-Sibt 12 ta’ Jannar 2019 u mbierek minn Dun Julian Cassar fil-preżenza tas-Sindku, il-Kunsillier Marlon Brincat, is-Segretarju Eżekuttiv u wlied u familjari ta’ Bertu u Maria Xuereb. Il-ġnien ingħata l-isem ta’ Ġnien Bertu u Maria Xuereb.

Dan il-ġnien huwa spazju ieħor li jsebbaħ u qiegħed jitgawda mir-residenti taż-żona tas-Simblija.

Il-Kunsill jirringrazzja lis-Sur Angelo Xuereb u l-familja tiegħu tal-għajnuna kontinwa tagħhom lill-komunità Naxxarija. Gnien Simblija (1)

Gnien Simblija (2)

Gnien Bertu u Maria Xuereb
Gnien Bertu u Maria Xuereb