Presentation of donation to Beating Hearts Malta

A new activity in involving business owners

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An idea which arose from a suggestion residents made with the Mayor led to the first activity being organised for Halloween with a difference. It was coordinated by Reclaiming Childhood (RC World) shop along with a number of businesses which contributed towards its success.

Through this activity the children were encouraged to take part in games beyond technological gadgets and to use other methods to mix with other children and be more physically active.

The activity was planned to be held at Ġnien Toni Vella, however, due to inclement weather, the activity was held at the Oratory.

During this event  a sum  of money was collected for Beating Hearts Malta. This was presented by the Mayor, Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami and Mr Stephen Mifsud of Reclaiming Childhood.

Attività ġdida bil-kollaborazzjoni tas-sidien tan-negozji

Idea li nibtet minn suġġeriment li residenti qasmu mas-Sindku wasslet biex għall-ewwel darba ġiet organizzata attività tal-Halloween b’differenza. Din kienet kordinata mill-ħanut Reclaiming Childhood (RC World) flimkien ma’ numru ta’ negozji li kkontribwixxew biex setgħet tkun suċċess.

Permezz ta’ din l-attività t-tfal kienu mħeġġa jieħdu sehem f’logħob ’l hinn mill-gadgets teknoloġiċi u jużaw mezzi fejn jitħalltu aktar u jkunu aktar fiżikament attivi.

L-attività kellha tinżamm fi Ġnien Toni Vella, iżda minħabba li dakinhar kien il-maltemp, l-attività kellha tinżamm fl-Oratorju.

F’din l-attività nġabret ukoll somma flus għal Beating Hearts Malta. Din kienet ippreżentata mis-Sindku, Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami u mis-Sur Stephen Mifsud ta’ Reclaiming Childhood.
