More open spaces for you

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The Council is committed to maximize the use of space in the locality to be better enjoyed by residents. A typical example is Masġar it-Tfal in San Pawl tat-Tarġa where the  idea to build an outdoor gym was put forward by a couple residing in the area during one of the localtiy meetings.

During the year 2018 the Council decided to evaluate this request and, following discussions with architects, came up with a design in the part of the garden that is not currently used.

Although the Council agreed with the design concept, it wished to consult with residents and therefore installed a billboard so that residents would be able to see it and give their views and comments.

This led to a large number of favourable comments about the landscaping but instead of an outdoor gym, residents expressed a preference to have a playing field.

Since there seems to be a consensus among the majority of residents, the Council is expected to lean more towards this idea but nevertheless is still expecting to receive more comments from the residents.

Anyone who wishes to comment should send an email by the 15th June 2019 on

We are pleased to inform that as soon as the consultation is concluded, the Council will begin the necessary processing  as the required funds have already been allocated.

Aktar spazji miftuħa għalik

Il-Kunsill huwa kommess li jimmassimizza l-użu tal-ispazju fil-lokalità biex ikun jista’ jitgawda aktar mir-residenti. Eżempju tipiku huwa Masġar it-Tfal f’San Pawl tat-Tarġa fejn ħarġet l-idea li jinbena outdoor gym minn koppja residenti fl-inħawi waqt waħda mill-laqgħat tal-lokalità.

Matul is-sena 2018 il-Kunsill iddeċieda li jevalwa din it-talba u, wara diskussjonijiet mal-periti, ħareġ b’idea ta’ disinn f’parti mill-ġnien li fil-preżent mhux utilizzata.

Għalkemm il-Kunsill qabel fil-kunċett tad-disinn, ried jikkonsulta mar-residenti u għalhekk installa tabella bid-disinn biex ikunu jistgħu jarawh ir-residenti u jikkummentaw dwaru.

Dan wassal biex kien hemm numru kbir ta’ kummenti favorevoli dwar it-tisbiħ iżda mhux li jsir outdoor gym. Minflok, ir-residenti esprimew ix-xewqa li jsir bandli.

Peress li jidher li hemm kunsens fost il-maġġoranza tar-residenti għal dan, il-Kunsill mistenni jxaqleb aktar lejn din l-idea iżda xorta waħda għadu qiegħed jistenna aktar kummenti mir-residenti.

Kull min jixtieq jikkummenta għandu jibgħat email sal-15 ta’ Ġunju 2019 fuq

Bi pjaċir ninfurmaw li appena jikkonkludi l-konsultazzjoni, il-Kunsill jibda l-proċess meħtieġ minħabba li diġà alloka l-fondi meħtieġa.

Masgar it-Tfal