Maltese Flolkore in Bulgaria

Maltese participation in Bulgaria

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The annual International Folklore Festival in Bulgaria, Maleshevo Sings and Dances, had the Maltese flag flying for the first time among the  flags of other European countries with the participation of a Maltese folklore group.

This was made possible thanks to the contact  maintained in recent years between the Naxxar Local Council and the Local Council in Strumyani Bulgaria.

During her speech for the occasion of the festival,the Mayor stated that this had been her dream in recent years. Following discussions with the Mayor of Strumyani, she made the necessary arrangements so that the Gozitan Mnarja Folklore Group could participate in the festival.

This event was broadcast on Bulgarian television stations.

For the same events, the Council organized an excursion for a  a contingent of 51 people from Naxxar , between the 18th and 23rd October, which also included Greece as well as Bulgaria.

Parteċipazzjoni Maltija waqt il-Festival Internazzjonali tal-Folklor fil-Bulgarija

Għall-ewwel darba l-festival annwali Internazzjonali tal-Folklore fil-Bulgarija, Maleshevo Sings and Dances, kellu l-bandiera Maltija tperper fost bnadar ta’ pajjiżi Ewropej oħra bil-parteċipazzjoni ta’ grupp folkloristiku Malti.

Dan sar possibbli grazzi għall-kuntatti li żamm f’dawn l-aħħar snin il-Kunsill Lokali Naxxar mal-Kunsill Lokali ta’ Strumyani fil-Bulgarija.

F’kelmtejn li tat is-Sindku dakinhar tal-festival stqarret li din kienet ħolma li kellha f’dawn l-aħħar snin. Wara diskussjonijiet li kellha mas-Sindku ta’ Strumyani, għamlet l-arranġamenti neċessarji biex il-grupp Għawdxi Mnarja Folklore Group ikun jista’ jipparteċipa.

Dan l-avveniment kien imxandar fuq l-istazzjonijiet televiżivi Bulgari.

Għall-istess avvenimenti, bejn it-18 u t-23 ta’ Ottubru, il-Kunsill organizza ġita b’kontinġent ta’ 51 persuna min-Naxxar li, minbarra l-Bulgarija kienet tinkludi wkoll il-Greċja.


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Maltese Folklore in Bulgaria

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