Blessing of Animals

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This activity was organized by Peace Band Club in collaboration with the Local Council on the 31st March 2019. This activity was attended by a large number of residents with their pets as well as the dogs of the Customs department and  police dogs and horses.

Those present had a chance to follow a training session of the Customs dogs and an exhibition by police dogs.

Tberik tal-Annimali

Din l-attività ġiet organizzata mill-każin tal-banda Peace bil-kollaborazzjoni tal-Kunsill Lokali nhar il-31 ta’ Marzu 2019. Għal din l-attività attendew numru kbir ta’ residenti bil-pets tagħhom flimkien mal-iskwadra tal-klieb tad-dwana kif ukoll klieb u żwiemel tal-Pulizija.

Dawk preżenti kellhom iċ-ċans li jsegwu sessjoni ta’ taħriġ mill-klieb tad-dwana u wirja mill-klieb tal-Pulizija.