Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami confirmed Mayor

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Following local elections held on 25th May, Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami was confirmed Mayor of Naxxar for the next five years.  She managed to secure 28.83% of valid votes cast.  This was the highest percentage obtained by a candidate during these last three elections. The record however is still held by Mr Angelo Xuereb who obtained 39.99% of valid votes during Local Council’s first election in 1994.

Still the votes obtained by Mrs Fenech Adami (2383) is the highest number obtained by any candidate in Naxxar so far.

Electorate also elected Dr Christopher Deguara as Deputy Mayor who was contesting for the first time.  Dr Deguara obtained 1520 valid votes which makes it the biggest amount of votes obtained by any Naxxar Deputy Mayor, both in terms of numbers as well as percentage.  In fact this amounts to 18.39% of valid votes cast.

The other Councillors elected are: Marlon Brincat (PL – Minority Leader), Maryanne Cuomo (PN), Mark Anthony Deguara (PN), Joseph Spiteri (PN), Noel Gatt (PL), Ivan Gaffiero (PL) and Stephen Abela (PL).

Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami kkonfermata Sindku

Fl-elezzjoni l-lokali tal-25 ta’ Mejju, Anne Marie Muscat Fenech Adami ġiet ikkonfermata Sindku tan-Naxxar għall-ħames snin li ġejjin.  Hija kisbet 28.83% tal-voti validi mitfuha.  Dan kien l-ogħla persentaġġ miksub minn kandidat fl-aħħar tliet elezzjonijiet lokali.  Ir-rekord miksub però għadu dak tal-ewwel Sindku tan-Naxxar, is-Sur Angelo Xuereb, li kien kiseb 39.99% tal-voti validi mitfuha fl-elezzjoni tal-1994.

Madanakollu l-ammont ta’ voti miksuba mis-Sinjura Muscat Fenech Adami (2383) kien l-ogħla wieħed li qatt inkiseb minn kandidat.

Fl-istess elezzjoni kien elett bħala Viċi Sindku Dr Christopher Deguara li kien qiegħed jikkontesta għall-ewwel darba.  Dr Deguara kiseb 1520 vot li huwa l-ikbar ammont ta’ voti li qatt kiseb Viċi Sindku fin-Naxxar, kemm f’termini ta’ ammont kif ukoll bħala persentaġġ.  Dan jammonta għal 18.39% tal-voti validi mitfuha.

Il-kumplament tal-Kunsillieri eletti kienu: Marlon Brincat (PL – Minority Leader), Maryanne Cuomo (PN), Mark Anthony Deguara (PN), Joseph Spiteri (PN), Noel Gatt (PL), Ivan Gaffiero (PL) u Stephen Abela (PL).